Home»All Photographs»"JoJo" Giorgianni and Ralphiel Mack arrive/leave Court 9/17/2013
Created 17-Sep-13
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Joseph "JoJo" Giorgianni and Ralphiel Mack arrive at the Clarkson Fisher Federal Courthouse in Trenton on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 for a hearing to determine whether or not Giorgianni is mentally competent to stand trial alongside Trenton Mayor Tony Mack. If the judge agrees to mental evaluations for Giorgianni, it also could delay proceedings against Mayor Mack and Mack's brother Ralphiel. All three men are scheduled to be tried together in January 2014. However, their attorneys or the prosecution could ask that their cases be broken into separate trials. The trio was arrested Sept. 10, 2012 on charges they worked to extort money from parking garage developers who turned out to be FBI cooperators. Martin Griff / The Times of Trenton
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